Hemp heals the earth. Join us today & help save our planet by choosing hemp alternatives to your everyday items! Learn about our mission here.

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Welcome to the hemp shop - the home of hemp - blazing the eco trail since 1995

Naturally sustainable, organic and ethically aware, environmental eco hemp products

For over 25 years, we've brought you the very latest and greatest from the world of Hemp; to provide you sustainable alternatives to everyday items; creating ecologically, environmentally and sustainable products from all over the globe.  As the UK's longest-running Hemp company, we now offer even more products at fantastic prices with a greater selection than ever before. This has been a long journey and a journey we will continue. When we started, all those years ago, barely anyone knew what Hemp was and those that did, only knew it was either Rope or Dope. Now, as then, we have a range we are truly proud of: from ethical hemp clothing and accessories, sustainable hemp fabrics and interiors, to the power-packed nutrition in Hemp foods and the nourishing Hemp Oil in our natural beauty products.    

The extraordinary Hemp plant continues to surprise and amaze us with its power and versatility.  Whether you are looking for organic hemp food or fabrics, seeds or soaps, Hemp really is the super seed that we all need.   And its scope keeps on growing - forget the Hemp car! Now there’s a Hemp plane, Hemp plastics for 3D printing and Hemp Graphene Super-capacitors. These and many more products have come into existence because there is a growing and ever expanding group of people, all over the globe, dedicated to saving our home – Planet Earth. That’s why we do, what we do.


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The Skincare Benefits of CBD Creams, Balms and Lotions

There has been a lot of talk recently about using CBD face cream, moisturisers, balms, lotions and day creams as part of a healthy skincare routine, but what are the real benefits of using cosmetics with CBD in them? We’ll delve into the subject in today’s blog. The major benefits that CBD has for skin are that it is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-ageing compound that helps to soothe, hydrate and nourish...

7 Reasons To Choose Hemp Underwear

When it comes to underwear, hemp has got you covered! Knickers, pants, boxers, underpants, panties, trunks, briefs – there are lots of words for underwear, and they are undoubtedly an essential item in everyone’s wardrobe. Underwear is perhaps our most-worn item of clothing. They are the items that we use every day and therefore we all want our underwear to be good quality, reliable and comfortable....

Hemp Fabrics - We Answer The Web's Most Asked Questions!

We have been looking at the most-asked questions about hemp fabrics on the internet, and we’ve tried to answer them for you below. With over 25 years of experience working with hemp fabrics, we have learned a thing or two about them along the way. Our hemp fabrics continue to be highly popular, and we are seeing more people than ever interested in trying these sustainable ethical fabrics...