Why Hemp Natural Beauty?

Why Are Hemp Beauty Products The Best?



Hemp has been used as a body care product for centuries.

Hemp has the world's richest sources of polyunsaturated fats, including EFA's (essential fatty acids) & GLA (gamma Linolenic acid), which are vital to the body, both inside and out & which the body cannot produce on its own. Ceramides are of critical importance to the moisture control of the skin, one comes from Omega 6 - Linoleic acid. Clinical studies have shown that dry skin defects such as scaling or cracking can be reversed by skin care products containing Omega 6 fatty acids.

The anti-inflammatory properties of essential fatty acids can further aid in the healing of minor skin abrasions and acne. A deficiency in Omega 6 fatty acids is also associated with eczema and psoriasis due to the regulation of water loss through the skin.

Hempseed Oil has excellent emollient &lubricating properties and penetrates deep into the skin - without the harmful effect of parabens, the penetrating chemicals found in most high street cosmetics.

Hemp Seed Oil Is A Natural Anti-Inflammatory

Are you suffering from skin irritation and inflammation?

Try some hemp seed oil! Applied topically or ingested, it soothes irritation and reduces swelling. The natural anti-inflammatory effects provided by the high levels of omega oils have been widely studied in medical journals, which is why hemp seed oil is used in so many skincare products worldwide!

The essential fatty acids also have antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties. As a bonus, hemp seed oil is hypoallergenic making it a great choice for anyone who has sensitive skin or suffers from allergic reactions to other skincare products.


Hemp For Your Hair

Hemp seed oil contains Vitamin E, reported to be a good option for stimulating hair growth. Vitamin E has natural antioxidant properties, which reduce oxidative stress on the scalp. Used in dermatological products for generations because of it’s ability to protect the body’s cells, Vitamin E is generally used to mitigate signs of ageing, inflammation and sun damage.

It is a vital ingredient for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin E may improve blood flow, which helps with scalp and hair health.

The high Omega oils content, and long list of vitamins and minerals helps to prevent hair breakage, and results in healthier hair follicles. As well as Vitamins E and D, plus Zinc and magnesium, all known to support healthy and strong hair, Vitamin A is one other key ingredient in hemp seed oil. Vitamin A encourages the secretion of sebum, a substance that prevents hair breakage.


Hemp For Your Skin

The major benefits that CBD has for skin are that it is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-ageing compound that helps to soothe, hydrate and nourish skin.

A 2019 study found that CBD topical cream improved skin hydration and increased elasticity in patients with dry skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis and scarring.

CBD could also help with oily skin conditions such as acne. One study discovered that CBD has sebum reducing abilities that inhibit the production of oil. Excessive amounts of sebum production is a leading cause of acne, so CBD may be a useful treatment for acne prone skin.

CBD aids healing of skin and reduces swelling thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties in the compound. This makes it great for treating wounds, rashes and irritated skin. Treating inflammation allows skin to heal more quickly, and reduces the chances of further irritating the wound by scratching it in a futile attempt to temporarily relieve irritation.


CBD Works Wonders For Acne Too!

Acne is a condition that occurs when excess oil, dirt, and dead skin cells clog pores. The bacteria Propionibacterium acnes can build up in the pores, causing angry, red blemishes.

With this in mind, acne treatment involves keeping the skin clean, free from acne-causing bacteria, and cutting back on excess oil that can clog the skin.

Most of the research surrounding acne and CBD is related to CBD’s power in stopping the processes known to cause acne, such as excess oil buildup. One of the most promising studies was published in The Journal of Clinical InvestigationTrusted Source.

In this study, researchers measured the effects of CBD compounds on human skin samples and oil-producing glands in a laboratory.

The researchers found that CBD inhibited oil production and also had anti-inflammatory effects on oil-producing glands. They concluded CBD was a “promising therapeutic agent” for acne treatment.

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