The Hemp Hub

This is our central hub for information on the the hemp shop, the industrial hemp plant, and all of its wonderful benefits for our planet and mankind!

The Hemp Blog

This is the place to read more about the industrial hemp plant. Inside you'll find lots of articles spanning all of hemp's uses. Looking for the top benefits of hemp seed oil? Or the answer to the question; is hemp fabric waterproof? - You'll find those and more inside.

Why Hemp?

Find out why you should choose hemp as the ethical and sustaianble alternative to your everyday items. From foods to fabrics, ropes to clothing, beauty to paper and many more uses, we explain why hemp is a great choice for the planet, and for human health!

Our Mission!

Learn about our values, ethics and the reasons that we do what we do! Discover the reasons behind our 25+ year mission to promote the industrial hemp plant to the greater population, and what drives us to continune our work.

Guide to CBD

Our CBD guide covers everything you need to know about cannabidiol. Find out what exactly CBD is, how and why to use it, how to find the correct dosage, how it works with your endocannabinoid system and more! If you're new to CBD, or simply have unanswered questions then this is the place to start.

Guide to Hemp Essential Oil

Hemp essential oil is a highly concentrated extract from the leaves and flowers of the industrial hemp plant. Find out everything you need to know about this truly holistic oil that has been used for thousands of years. We explain what hemp essential oil is, the terpenes found in it, how to use it and more!

Eco Links

Looking for other resources about hemp, the environment and ways that you can make a difference to the health of our planet? Well look no further because we've curated a great list of links to help you find information and get involved with worthy causes that help the environment.

Hemp Information

Our blog is the best place to get in-depth information on hemp! Choose one of the categories below to view more information on each subject.